
AwareBase can help you improve the way you create, integrate, retrieve, process, deliver and archive your geospatial and business information. AwareBase will work closely with you to develop a practical and affordable information environment transformation strategy that is fully integrated with your business plan. This strategy will be used to schedule and guide transformation projects such as:

  • Upgrading and tuning the IT infrastructure to unify your field-office domains, improve network reliability, enhance multi-site collaboration, deliver disaster immunity and improve the availability of geospatial data

  • Sourcing, selecting, configuring, integrating and managing the deployment of a suite of enterprise application solutions including: ERP, Document Management and SharePoint

  • Unifying and expanding your geospatial data environment across your company using ESRI ARC GIS Server compatible application solutions

  • Organizing and enriching data related to your jobs, projects and documents linking them to geospatial data so they may be easily repurposed for future jobs

  • Streamlining your data transmittal management and control processes to improve transmission and traceability between the field, your office and your customer

As AwareBase transforms your information environment, you will see improvements in the quality and timeliness of your deliverables to your clients. You will also realize workforce efficiency improvements through increased information reuse and a reduction in errors and rework. Once transformed, you will be positioned to expand your data service offering to your clients creating value for them and revenue for you.